On 16 January 2025, the Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte (EHC) organised its 2nd Digital Health Symposium, bringing together 170 participants to discuss artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector in French-speaking Switzerland.
The event, held at the CUBE in Morges, showcased concrete AI projects and addressed the challenges of integrating AI into everyday medical practice, providing a platform for discussion on the practical applications of AI in the healthcare sector.
Renowned speakers such as Christian Lovis from the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) and Joan Barrubés from Antares Consulting, as well as representatives from institutions such as the Biel Hospital Centre and the OFAC, stressed the importance of establishing framework conditions, carrying out pilot projects and not neglecting the human aspect in the deployment of these technologies.
The presentations covered a wide range of topics, from expectations of AI to the implementation of small-scale projects.The event highlighted the need for an incremental approach to AI adoption, encouraging attendees to ‘start small’ while keeping in mind the wider implications of these technologies
The success of this half-day event is testament to the growing interest in AI in the healthcare sector in French-speaking Switzerland and the importance of such forums in shaping the future of healthcare.